Thursday, April 5, 2012

Masters of being F-ing Awesome.

In moderately not food related news, I've decided I have to go grad school. 
Or at least try. 

No, not just try.  
I will go.
If I don't I will probably shrivel up and die from lack of spotlights. Well. I've got the dramatic part down.

I am super inspired by my friend the singing llama, Danielle, who is blessing USC with her amazing talent this fall. 

I am throwing caution and practicality to the wind and am pursuing the stage. I'd like to start a program, pursuing my MFA or MM by fall 2013 or 2014. I know sure thats at least a year and half away. But really I have work to doooo! So for the next 9-18 months, I am spending all of my extra time, money and energy pursuing this; burying my nose in scripts, scores and taking breaks to go to the dance studio/ gym and being extra conscious of my dietary regimen. 

Boston Conservatory and NYU Steinhardt are at the top of my list, making it very clear that I will have to marry for money to get out from under the mountain of debt I'll accrue.... so I have my work cut out for me, if I even want to get in, let alone get scholarships. 

I am terrified and excited and terrified. but mostly excited. 
Did I mention terrified? 
This will be good. 

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